2022 Astrology Timeline

Gary O'Toole
16 min readJan 5, 2022


A new year brings new hope. Although we could say that about any year, 2022 has some key changes that are more hopeful, and more progressive than 2021. Yet there are some things in a holding pattern. The Saturn-Uranus square is one such pattern. This has locked us into a struggle; between individual freedoms and the needs of the many; what wishes to be birthed and what has always been. Saturn and Uranus come into an almost exact square again in October.

Saturn briefly breaks away from Pluto as it enters Aquarius from May to July. This points to more progress, a lifting of some of the stress and ‘end times’ feel. But while Saturn’s progress in Aquarius may show forward momentum in the summer of 2022, after a period of stagnation, we may find ourselves slipping back by the autumn, as Saturn returns to Capricorn.

Saturn does not return to Aquarius until January 2023, where it will sextile Uranus in Aries. This has more cooperative potential. 2022 is a mixed bag. The need for personal freedoms is cranked up to its max when Uranus is joined by Rahu (north lunar node) in Aries, fueling further protests and a fight for freedom.

There are signs of hope as Jupiter enters Pisces by mid-April. This means Jupiter is out of Saturn’s signs after a two-year hard trek. Jupiter continues to receive a strong aspect from Saturn for most of the year, most likely expressed in continued restrictions, but at least we’re in a more hopeful place. The problem with Jupiter in Pisces, conjunct Neptune, is seeking an escape, through any means necessary.

This may be an escape using substances, or in fantasy. It may be a virtual reality that replaces real-world problems we no longer feel capable of facing. Jupiter-Neptune shows a Utopian vision of the future. Flooding is yet another expression, possibly even a catastrophic flood that could occur during their conjunction in April. Mars joins them in May and could add to the damage.

In 1919, there was a Mars-Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Cancer. This was the end of the Spanish flu pandemic and led to the ‘Roaring Twenties’. It also timed catastrophic flooding in Texas. In this era of climate change, we are likely to see even more devastating floods in 2022. The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction may at least be good news for the pandemic, but may also show inflation, as Jupiter has no clear containment.

Another big change in 2022 occurs when the lunar nodes move from their fear-inducing Taurus-Scorpio axis. Their transit in these signs showed many issues with supply and demand, adding to the sense of ‘end times’. Their transition into Aries and Libra may bring with it an unwillingness to compromise at this point. Rahu will transit Mars’ sign, and Ketu will transit Venus’ sign. This exaggerates the need for individual freedoms, especially as Rahu conjuncts Uranus in the summer. This may be like putting two live wires together and hoping for the best! At best, it may restart some things. At worst, it may start a war!

The beginning of the year sees much uncertainty and change before they move signs in April. This is because the nodes form a combination that sees all the planets on one side of their axis (Kala Sarpa Yoga). This combination is another holding pattern, a lopsided view of the world, of feeling things are more fated, out of control and extreme. This will continue to express itself as more divisiveness.

The lunar New Year on Apr 1 has this configuration. This means the whole year has this theme of extremes. With all visible planets hemmed between the nodes in only three signs at the time, it can bring even more volatility. This occurs after a period in March when all planets are in only two signs, an even more divisive combination. These kinds of configurations point to extremes all year, but especially for the first quarter.

The lunar nodes show a complex relationship between the Sun, Moon and Earth. They represent how we feel about what is going on in the world around us. They can give a unique perspective, especially around the eclipses, but they can also distort. Either way, they point to big changes again in 2022.

Saturn makes its presence known in the lunar mansion Dhanistha in 2022. This is a section of the zodiac ruled by the 8 elemental gods: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Sky (Space), the Sun, Moon and Stars; all the elements required to make something happen. Yet Saturn takes away before it gives anything.

One of Dhanistha’s symbols is a drum and flute, representing the rhythm of life, and music. Saturn in Dhanistha could show timing being off, or something sounding off. The Muses are connected to Dhanistha. When we add Jupiter’s conjunction to Neptune in Pisces, this will likely express itself as inspired works of art, and more innovative approaches in bringing it to the people. Saturn in Aquarius brings out its progressive side, yet a steady approach is needed to build our new world.

The year begins with explosive events, with Mars transiting the eclipse degree in Scorpio. All planets are on one side of the lunar nodes. The Moon is joined Mars and Ketu in Scorpio, which feels like an uncertain start to the year.

Venus continues its retrograde in Sagittarius until Jan 29, and Mercury joins it in retrograde motion by Jan 14. This reflects a need to revaluate the people and things we hold dear, to aspire for greater in our interactions and pursuit of happiness. Mercury asks us to reassess how we can communicate what needs to be said, no matter how hard it may be to say it.

Jupiter and Neptune get close together in Aquarius. This adds more uncertainty, and a need to tune out of the chaos for a while. This may bring catastrophic floods in April, as they conjoin by exact degree.

The Sun moves into Capricorn on Jan 14 and is an important transition for the Sun, heralding longer days for those in the northern hemisphere.

Mars transits the juncture between Scorpio and Sagittarius from Jan 15–17. Its transition into Sagittarius and back to Mula, the ‘root’ lunar mansion is a return to the beginning of the origins of the pandemic. Mars externalises our awareness of what was hidden, so we can overcome it once and for all. Uranus stations direct in Aries on Jan 18, reflecting a need to change how we gain our freedom.

Mercury stations direct on Feb 4, and heightened anticipation hangs densely in the air. The Sun conjuncts Saturn in Capricorn by exact degree on the same day. This may feel heavier, but we could use this time to focus our energy, to plan our next move.

The configuration with all planets on one side of the lunar nodes continues, building in intensity. This reflects a more volatile period by the end of February. This is more so because of Mars’ entry into Capricorn by Feb 26, joining Pluto and Saturn.

Venus enters Capricorn on Feb 27, which means Venus and Mars are conjunct for much of the month, from Feb 14. This reflects a very passionate stance in Sagittarius, a strong need to express ourselves and our hope for something better. This may express itself as fighting and disagreements, too.

March is the last full month of the lunar nodes in Taurus/Scorpio, a transit that has reflected a sense of lack of resources and much fear in the world. March sees the nodes form an even more powerful configuration with planets on one side, as all visible planets line up in just two signs. This occurs for the first few days of March and shows a highly reactive and divisive period. On Mar 3, Venus and Mars line up with Pluto, too. This is Venus’ third pass of the hidden realms, bringing up all sorts of power struggles in relationships. Now joined by Mars, there is likely to be many explosive events that leave us longing for peace and quiet.

Mars and Venus continue to transit close together through March, especially until mid-month, which means we have to deal with a lot of passionate views expressed since early February. At this point, we may be a little jaded with the intensity.
The Sun moves into Pisces on Mar 14 and out of Saturn’s signs, although it still receives a strong aspect from Saturn until mid-April. Mercury enters Pisces on Mar 24, where thinking more creatively is a better use of the time than trying to figure it all out rationally. We are likely to cling to any kind of thought that brings reassurance, even if it is not actually true.

From Mar 26, the Moon’s entry into Capricorn triggers the nodal axis in a strong way again, with all visible planets in just three signs this time. This points to further volatility and change, and more uncertainty about how we should change.

Venus joins Saturn near the end of Capricorn by Mar 28, at the degree where Mars is exalted and conjunct Saturn in early April. Together with the nodal axis in full force, and Neptune having come to the end of Aquarius, there are many things hanging in the balance at this time. Things may feel off, or we may be thrown off our rhythm for a time. Yet we must learn to dance with these changes.

Venus enters Aquarius on Mar 31, joining Jupiter and Neptune for a ‘knees up’ in a sign that is not so clear about the details. This can show all kinds of revelry, but lots of confusion about what to do next.

The new Moon in Pisces on Apr 1 is a new lunar year, a time of growth and new beginnings. Yet this new beginning, no matter how hopeful, has within it much chaos and uncertainty. This is largely due to the nodes hemming in all the planets on one side, a combination we’ve been living with for a few years now.

This New Moon also has a Mars-Saturn tight conjunction, with Mars exalted in Capricorn, and Saturn just as strong in its sign. There is a close Jupiter-Neptune conjunction at the end of Aquarius, as these planets create havoc with the astrological weather, especially as they ingress into Pisces in the coming days.

Mars conjoins Saturn by exact degree on Apr 5. This is ‘red flag day’, as two very powerfully placed ‘malefics’ join forces. This will likely be seen as clashes between crowds of people and police or armed forces. Mars then moves into Aquarius on Apr 7, and into a sign it is less able to control. Rahu is about to move into Aries in a few days, on Apr 12, with Mars in Rahu’s sign Aquarius. This exchange between Mars and Rahu creates a powerful surge of energy we cannot contain. Mercury enters Aries on Apr 8, adding more voices for freedom.

Rahu enters Aries and Ketu enters Libra on Apr 12. This is followed by Jupiter moving into Pisces on Apr 13, which is joined by Neptune on Apr 18. This will move the story forward in a big way. The Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces offers more hope, but we must be mindful this is out of touch with reality. Saturn’s aspect will not allow us to tune out completely, but who would blame anyone for wanting a break from the ‘real world’?

The Jupiter-Neptune combination in Pisces lasts for most of the year and will likely lead to some awe-inspiring works of art which help us cope. This may be best expressed by the late Timothy Leary, when he told us to, ‘’Turn on, tune in, drop out’’.
The Sun enters Aries on Apr 13, as it does every year, but this year we are thankful for more energy and vitality, leading us into more positive change. The Sun joins Uranus and Rahu in Aries, which means the next new Moon by Apr 30 is an eclipse, the first in Aries. This points to changes to how we go about finding freedom, offering innovative and unlikely cooperation as Mars and Rahu exchange signs.

With Mercury conjunct Rahu on Apr 24, and Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces, we may not be entirely clear about these developments, but at least something new is happening. Mercury enters Taurus later on the day of Apr 24, leaving the nodal axis behind, breaking the spell somewhat, through some down-to-earth conversations.

Venus breaks away from Mars for the first time since the beginning of the year, moving into Pisces, its sign of exaltation, on Apr 27. It joins Neptune by exact degree as it does so, before joining Jupiter on Apr 30. Let the party begin!

As if that weren’t enough change to deal with in one month, Saturn enters Aquarius on Apr 28, for a brief stay in a sign it does some of its best, and most innovative, work in. This means more progress, however slow, in April and throughout the summer months. This also means it lifts its restrictions from Libra, and social life, just in time for some enjoyable transits in May. Pluto stations retrograde on Apr 29. Whatever revelry takes place in the summer, there are things continuing the change in the world around us.

The Sun conjoins Uranus in Aries by May 5, before it conjoins Rahu by May 13. Both of these are like live wires that could trigger something. We must channel the erratic energy for productive purposes, using the clearing that is possible in more inspired ways.

Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus on May 10, reflecting a need to reassess the many issues of the past many months, in relation to supply chains and resources.

The Sun enters Taurus on May 14, joining Mercury retrograde to bring attention to the review.
The Sun moves to the other side of the nodal axis after 6 months of much change and uncertainty. It’s presence in Taurus welcomes more enjoyable indications, especially as Venus moves towards its exaltation degree in Pisces.

While there are many issues between wanting our personal freedoms and having to live in a society being remoulded around our excursions, there is much more to enjoy in May than there has been for some time. Venus makes it to its exaltation degree by May 21, a sweet spot in the month and year.

We need all the sweetness of an exalted Venus after a total lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 16, with the Moon in debilitation and totally eclipsed. Mars moves into Pisces and a stronger position by May 17, joining Neptune and Jupiter in this watery sign. This could lead to even more extreme weather and flood damage.

Venus enters Aries by May 23, transiting the last and first degrees of the zodiac, bringing some endings and new beginnings. Mars joining Jupiter by exact degree on May 29 shows the possibility of more fortunate actions we could all do with making the most of.

Mercury stations direct on Jun 3, leading to more forward momentum with everyday plans. Yet Saturn’s retrograde at the beginning of Aquarius by Jun 4 shows we have some work to do to get it right for everyone. This signals Saturn’s eventual return to Capricorn in July, by which time we must head back to the drawing board to re-draught certain long term plans and objectives.

Venus conjoins Uranus in Aries on Jun 11, before meeting with the shadow of Rahu by Jun 15. We must keep an open mind about what we’re presented with, especially because of the ongoing Mars-Jupiter-Neptune configuration in Pisces.

The Sun enters Gemini on Jun 15, right after an intense full Moon at the very end of Scorpio, on Jun 14. Venus enters Taurus on Jun 18 and is out of the way of the nodes to a large degree.

Yes, Rahu still aspects Taurus and Venus placed therein, but Venus is now home and eager to nest — even if Rahu has made a mess! The economy and supply issues can begin to repair at this stage, I imagine. But there are likely more complications involved.

On Jun 26, Mars moves into Aries, its home sign, but it has to deal with two very unpredictable guests: Uranus and Rahu. Not that Mars is prone to put its feet up in Aries. And anyway, it cannot, with Saturn looking on. Aries is getting a lot of attention from Saturn, Uranus and Rahu, so our energy may be all over the place.

Neptune stations retrograde on Jun 28, at 1 degree of Pisces. It will return to Aquarius for one last time later in September, before returning to Pisces next year. For now, we must put down whatever we’ve been using to tune out and think about some pressing issues that were not dealt with in Aquarius in recent years.

Mercury enters Gemini on Jul 2, with Venus moving in on Jul 13. Mercury is very much at home in Gemini, and although Venus is no longer at home, it is in a friendly and enjoyable environment.

Saturn returns to Capricorn by Jul 13, taking the pressure off Mars & Co. in Aries, releasing a lot of energy in all kinds of unpredictable ways. This begins a period of great instability due to Mars’ involvement with the nodes again, along with Uranus. Expect the unexpected. But expect it to be violent in July and August.

Sun moves into Cancer on Jul 16, moving into an opposition to Saturn which has returned to Capricorn. The usual oppositions between governments and the people are likely. Mercury joins the Sun in Cancer on Jul 16, and although not the ideal location for rational discussions about any of these issues, we can think about how we feel about these things, at least.

On Jul 26, Uranus and Rahu conjunct by exact degree, but are hanging around together for most of the rest of the year. In Aries, this is volatile and unpredictable. Be prepared for anything. Mars is not far from this conjunction and will then meet with Uranus and Rahu by exact degree into the beginning of August. The end of July and the beginning of August is likely a highly explosive period.

Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces on Jul 28, asking us to reflect on all that is happening from a place of inner calm. The month ends with Mercury swiftly moving into Leo, on Jul 31. With more fiery transits in effect, it may be wise to keep our cool.

August starts with a bang. Mars first joins Rahu and Uranus by exact degree, on Aug 1–2. This trio could wreak havoc. It won’t be until Aug 10 that Mars leaves the fiery Aries behind for Taurus. Even then, Rahu continues to provoke Mars, itself being provoked by Uranus.

Venus enters Cancer on Aug 6, opposing Pluto on Aug 9, and Saturn on Aug 28. This may challenge us to keep the peace. Venus moves into Leo, crossing the sensitive degrees between Cancer and Leo on Aug 31, adding further fiery elements into the already volatile mix. Yet fire also represents passions.

Uranus stations retrograde in Aries on Aug 24. This shows a need to reassess the changes that have taken place, to make the internal adjustments. By retrograding so soon after meeting with Rahu, Uranus will hang out in close proximity to the shadow until the end of the year. At least Mercury is settling us down into some routine in Virgo, from Aug 10, before we must rethink that too, as it retrogrades here in September.

The month begins with Mercury in a strong position in Virgo, opposing Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. This is good for planning, as long as you are aware of the possibility of our plans being open to change. Mercury retrogrades from Sep 9. This may be confusing, but also creative. Mercury opposes Jupiter on two occasions due to its retrograde, on Sep 3 and Sep 18.
The Sun opposes Neptune on Sep 16 and then enters Virgo. Neptune itself is moving back to Aquarius on Sep 16. Confused yet? You will be!

The Sun opposes Jupiter on Sep 26. This is a more confident opposition. Before that, Venus moves into Virgo to join Mercury and the Sun, on Sep 24. Venus is helped in Virgo by Mercury. Yet Mercury is busy trying to figure things out while retrograde. So, there may be some interesting discussions. At least we’re talking!

Mercury stations direct on Oct 2. This is good news for planning, as Mercury is exalted. Mercury also helps the mood out by mitigating Venus’ debilitation in Virgo. We may get bogged down in the details, but at least we are working things out in a friendly manner.

The Sun enters Libra on Oct 17 and drops the energy and mood again. Mars enters Gemini on Oct 15, pushing its agenda and impatience on proceedings. This could be the start of another season of protest, leading to Mars’ retrograde from Oct 29. At least Pluto stations direct on Oct 8 and Saturn on Oct 23. Our long term plans can slowly move forward, even if our short term strategy must be reviewed.

Venus enters Libra on Oct 18 and out of debilitation, restrained by Saturn and implicated in the solar eclipse, and thus, change in Libra on Oct 25.

All planets in Libra conjunct Ketu and oppose Rahu and Uranus in November. Venus conjuncts Ketu on Nov 2, followed by the Sun on Nov 5. Venus opposes Uranus on the same day. Add in Mercury for good measure, conjunct Ketu on Nov 6, and we have a recipe for some interesting interactions and negotiations throughout November. Sun and Mercury oppose Uranus on Nov 9.
Venus enters Scorpio on Nov 11, leaving its sign, and Saturn’s cold stare. Mars re-enters the opposite sign, Taurus on Nov 13, as the ‘gender planets’ come head-to-head into the beginning of December.

Mercury enters Scorpio on Nov 13, and into an opposition to Mars. Passions increase throughout. The Sun enters Scorpio on Nov 16, which means Mars is as far from the Sun as it gets in the weeks that follow, our actions in contrast to what’s happening around us.

Jupiter stations direct on Nov 23. Mars is retrograde in Taurus, with Venus opposing, giving us a sense of renewed hope in what we are doing — or redoing.

Venus opposes Mars on Dec 1, as they exchange signs. This could be a passionate tryst, or an argument.
Neptune stations direct on Dec 3, at the very end of Aquarius, heralding its eventual exit from Aquarius next year, after 14 years in the sign. Mercury enters Sagittarius on the same day.

Mars opposes the Sun on Dec 8. There is much to rework, as Mars continues to retrograde. Venus enters Sagittarius on Dec 5, a sign it began the year with. The Sun enters Sagittarius on Dec 16, placing it with Mercury and Venus. These planets are influenced by Mars in Taurus, an angry Mars who feels like a ‘bull in a China shop’. This does not bode well for a peaceful end to the year!

The nodes continue to transit Aries and Libra, with Rahu and Uranus exaggerating the Mars impulse, while Ketu and Saturn negate compromise in Libra.

Mercury enters Capricorn on Dec 27, but only just, as it stations retrograde on Dec 29 and re-enters Sagittarius on Dec 30. Venus enters Capricorn on Dec 29. The year finishes as it did in 2021, with Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. This time, Venus will not retreat into the underworld with Pluto.

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