Augmented Reality: The Lunar Nodes’ Transit in Gemini/Sagittarius
The lunar nodes move signs in March 2019: Rāhu, the north node, enters Sidereal Gemini, while Ketu, the south node, enters Sidereal Sagittarius. Using the mean node calculation, this occurs from March 7, 2019 until September 23, 2020*.
*The true nodes transit from March 23, 2019 until September 19, 2020.
The nodes are seen by many astrologers to be exalted in Gemini and Sagittarius. In my observation, exalted ‘malefics’ bring out the best and worst of what they have to offer. Exalted planets generally have high expectations, but life doesn’t always reach the ideal.
Generally, Rāhu shows where we are more focused, while Ketu shows something we reject on some level, although the number of planets joining Ketu ensures we cannot ignore the issues.
Mercury and Jupiter’s transits will be in focus for the next 18 months, as we struggle to balance business as usual (Gemini) with a crisis of meaning (Sagittarius).
Rāhu (North Node) in Gemini
Rāhu in Gemini is all about information, more and more information — and then some more!
Rāhu exaggerates, obscures and manipulates information in Gemini, just as it manipulated power in Leo and female empowerment in Cancer. An example of Rāhu in Gemini would be technologies that allow us to ‘connect’ to each other but distract us from meaningful exchanges. The new Samsung fold-able phone is one such example, due out in April 2019, offering fold-able, multiple screen options, all open at once.
Another example is Microsoft’s HoloLens 2: a form of augmented reality that mixes the real world with virtual objects, offering an endless stream of windows and interactions through a headset. Although the ramifications are astounding, the result is an augmented reality — one that is not real.
As Rāhu enters Gemini, Mercury re-enters Aquarius, on March 15 and until April 10, which means Rāhu and Mercury are exchanging signs initially (Rāhu as co-rules Aquarius). This points to innovative approaches and technological advances from the outset, as well as confusion over details until Mercury makes it out of debilitation by May.
Mercury’s transits in June and July are particularly noteworthy, as it joins Rāhu and Mars in June, meeting a debilitated Mars in Cancer due to its retrograde in July. Mercury’s exchange with Rāhu in early 2020 is longer due to Mercury’s retrograde in Aquarius; a period that promises to be highly explosive and confusing, as Mars joins the south node and Jupiter in Sagittarius.
Despite Mercury’s retrogrades throughout Rāhu’s transit in Gemini — and Rāhu’s general backward motion — Rāhu always compels us forward, to find new avenues of adventure and things to obsess over. And although Mercury’s highest expression is discrimination; the ability to see fact from falsehood, Rāhu’s influence is like a magnifying glass which exaggerates and distorts reality. It’s as if we become so focused on something that we lose all perspective.
Rāhu in Gemini increases fears, leading to a general sense of edginess, in our everyday lives, our travel plans, business dealings and communications. The more we expose ourselves to mass media, for example, the more ‘wired’ we become and are unable to rest in stillness, in knowing.
Knowing is the realm of Sagittarius which is ideally balanced with discussion, to arrive at a consensus. This is how Gemini and Sagittarius can balance each other. However, the nodes’ involvement in these signs shows an imbalance in 2019 and 2020, tipped towards Rāhu and our need to talk the talk, while being dumbfounded by events and the amount of information we must contend with.
With Rāhu in Gemini, debates are pronounced; however, we don’t always know what or who to believe. No surprise then that this transit increases conspiracy theories, as was the case the last time Rāhu transited Gemini in 2001, during the 9/11 attacks.
Ketu (South Node) in Sagittarius
On the other end of the spectrum, Ketu is dismantling Sagittarius, i.e. faith, alongside Saturn and Pluto, leading to a radical ideology which may seem incoherent at times. Although Ketu gets us to the truth of who we really are — which means we must move beyond everything else — it creates much confusion and we are left at a loss.
This is further complicated because of its conjunction with Saturn from April until October 2019.
Ketu in Sagittarius is all about getting to the truth. Sometimes, destroying the temporal is the only way we can access it. This includes destroying structures we have put in place for safety, while Ketu is joined by Saturn. Ketu taps us into the thing we all share, which is not a thing, but a ‘no-thing’ we experience when things are taken away.
Jupiter, the planet which rules where this conjunction takes place, is all about order, beliefs, coherence and unity, most often expressed through religions, while Ketu disrupts the natural order, to get to the bottom of something, to move beyond the ideologies that no longer speak the truth. Sagittarius has its own subjective truth which must be examined in the face of facts (Gemini).
Ketu is seen as headless, i.e. not thinking, which is why see fundamentalists beliefs expressed in the most headless of ways when it transits Sagittarius. The most obvious example is someone blowing themselves, and others, up in the name of their faith.
We may not understand why someone would do such a thing, but we all share a commonality which is beyond words, beyond thoughts and feelings, in that stillness of being that can be initiated by an act of absolute devastation.
If you recall times in your life when you felt more connected to others, and the ‘no-thingness’ we all share, it was probably either during a spiritual experience, after having taken sadhana or drugs, at a funeral, or when observing mass devastation which left everyone speechless.
We are struck with shock and awe by Ketu, temporarily dumbfounded as to what or why something devastating can happen, while even religious folk ask things like ‘how could God let this happen’? We question our faith after such events, a reflection of Ketu’s ability is to remove all things form our life — even our faith.
This may not be such a ‘bad’ thing, especially if what you believe in is false.
Changing Signs and Minds
With Ketu in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Scorpio, Ketu and Jupiter are exchanging signs (Ketu co-rules Scorpio and Jupiter rules Sagittarius) from March 7 (or March 23 if you use the true nodes) until November 4, 2019, except between March 29 and April 23; when Ketu and Jupiter are together in Sagittarius.
Scorpio is the realm of hidden things, while Sagittarius strives for truth. So, what happens when the initiator of change (Ketu) exchanges with the planet of truth (Jupiter)? One thing we can expect to see is a change in beliefs, which may necessitate unearthing that which was previously hidden.
We do not change a deeply held belief without some earth-shattering event or insight. It must provoke, challenge and completely re-order our thinking. More to be revealed in the church, it seems.
This exchange occurs in a 2/12 relationship, as Ketu is placed in the 2nd from Jupiter, while Jupiter is in the 12th from Ketu. This type of exchange is not particularly cooperative, leaving someone at a loss. It’s not so much a ‘give and take’ situation, but more like someone giving while the other takes.
Themes of family and loss will be prominent, further exaggerating the divide between where we are and where we have come from. Financial themes will also be to the forefront.
Although this may be an easier exchange for certain signs, particularly Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces, most signs experience this as a challenge to overcome due to house rulership.
Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer are particularly impacted, while Sagittarius and Capricorn experience a need to let go of something on some level. Virgo and Libra are challenged to make changes that can bring some reward after somewhat of a struggle.
If we place Ketu in Scorpio and Jupiter in Sagittarius post-exchange, there are strengths but also some challenges for Jupiter, while Ketu would be placed in its exaltation sign in Scorpio — according to some.
Post exchange, Jupiter will join Saturn in Sagittarius, reflecting the need to get real, which eventually brings new hope, or perhaps an ‘attentive optimism’.
Pre-exchange, Ketu and Saturn creates a tense environment for most of 2019 which is helped by Jupiter’s exchange. Anyone speaking lies will be challenged by Rāhu in Gemini, as we look for facts not faith with Saturn and Pluto joining Ketu in Sagittarius. Living a lie will not work out. We must face up to reality.
Ketu joins Pluto by the beginning of April, and then joins Saturn from the end of April for a 6-month long conjunction. We are offered plenty of time to deal with the issues the Ketu/Saturn conjunction brings up.
Saturn requires us to face reality, while Ketu shows a certain ambivalence. With both in Sagittarius there is a profound sense of something not right which we may struggle with internally. This may not play out in obvious ways, but the struggle is very real.
More obvious ways may include fires, floods and a deconstruction by nature or by man that topple what had previously seemed stable. Ketu is seen as ‘fiery’ like Mars, while Saturn can fan the flames, and both are placed in the lunar sign, Pūrvāṣāḍhā, which is ruled by the goddess of the waters. We can expect to see some water shortages, perhaps due to an intensely hot summer and more fires which uses up a lot of water to control.
Ketu’s conjunction with Saturn is challenging, but this is a temporary transit in the grand scheme of things — unless you are born at this time, of course. For those born during previous Saturn/Ketu conjunctions, this represents more of what you are already familiar with and can manage more effectively than anyone else. But if you are currently experiencing a Saturn/Ketu daśā (planetary cycle) it may be too much to handle, with too many changes to make throughout the year. If you are already aware of what needs to change, there is nothing to fear.
Ask your ancestors for help and listen for guidance. This may come in a dream, a nudge in a certain direction, or a symbolic event. Failing that, consult a reputable Jyotishi.
In Ireland, we have a saying; ‘to put something on the long finger’ (the Saturn finger in palmistry), whereas Ketu reflects a need to check out on some level. This conjunction and conflicting impulses ensure we make the necessary changes eventually.
General Indications for Each Rising Sign
Aries: Sudden changes in what you believe brings a need to communicate something new.
Taurus: Developments in relationships impact how you relate to your family about what you value.
Gemini: Obstacles are overcome in relationships as you find yourself asking more of yourself.
Cancer: Struggles within your daily routines increase your output and expenditure.
Leo: Children and/or creativity offer rewards, with many gains and new associations possible.
Virgo: Moving home or renovating? Career takes on more importance during these changes.
Libra: You may need to have tough conversations about your values as you expand your horizons.
Scorpio: A new vision pays off as you open yourself up to financial help from others.
Sagittarius: Great personal change helps you to move on and find that special someone.
Capricorn: Letting go focuses you on your daily tasks and health regimes.
Aquarius: A struggle for recognition allows you to find new ways to express yourself.
Pisces: A sense of purpose and career demands instill a need for more time at home.
2019/2020 Eclipses in Gemini/Sagittarius
All timings are GMT.
If you have any planets near to, or opposite, these degrees, there are changes for what that planet rules in your horoscope.
Partial Solar Jan 5/6, 2019 at 21° Sagittarius — Pūrvāṣāḍhā
Eclipse begins 5 Jan, 23:34
Maximum eclipse 6 Jan, 01:41
Eclipse ends 6 Jan, 03:48
Total Solar Jul 2, 2019 at 16° Gemini — Ārdrā
Eclipse begins 2 Jul, 17:55
Full eclipse begins 2 Jul, 19:01
Maximum eclipse 2 Jul, 20:22
Full eclipse ends 2 Jul, 21:44
Eclipse ends 2 Jul, 22:50
Partial Lunar Jul 16/17, 2019 at 29° Sagittarius — Uttarāṣāḍhā
Penumbral eclipse begins 16 Jul, 19:43
Partial eclipse begins 16 Jul, 21:01
Maximum eclipse 16 Jul, 22:30
Partial eclipse ends 16 Jul, 23:59
Penumbral eclipse ends 17 Jul, 01:17
Annular Solar Dec 26, 2019 at 9° Sagittarius — Mūla
Partial eclipse begins 26 Dec, 02:29
Full eclipse begins 26 Dec, 03:34
Maximum eclipse 26 Dec, 05:17
Full eclipse ends 26 Dec, 07:00
Partial eclipse ends 26 Dec, 08:05
Penumbral Lunar 10 January 2020 at 25° Gemini — Punarvasu
Penumbral Eclipse begins 10 Jan, 17:07
Maximum Eclipse 10 Jan, 19:10
Penumbral Eclipse ends 10 Jan, 21:12
Annular Solar Jun 21, 2020 at 6° Gemini — Mṛgaśiras
First location to see the partial eclipse begin 21 Jun, 04:45
First location to see the full eclipse begin 21 Jun 05:47
Maximum Eclipse 21 Jun 07:40
Last location to see the full eclipse end 21 Jun 09:32
Last location to see the partial eclipse end 21 Jun 10:34
Penumbral Lunar 5 July 2020 at 19° Sagittarius — Pūrvāṣāḍhā
Penumbral Eclipse begins 5 Jul, 04:07
Maximum Eclipse 5 Jul, 05:29
Penumbral Eclipse ends 5 Jul, 06:52