China’s Building Citizens’ Morality with Mercury in 9th House
In China’s chart, which recently celebrated its 70th birthday, a Mercury ‘planetary cycle’ has just begun (14 Oct) and lasts for the next 17 years. This cycle is based on the Moon’s position in Capricorn and the lunar mansion, Uttara Asadha, often translated as the ‘latter victor’ and is also where we see the intercalary sign Abhijit which is very far north of the ecliptic, also meaning ‘the victorious one’.
This is a powerful position, from both a practical and spiritual perspective, as Capricorn represents the internal AND external work that must be done to achieve a goal. China has already set outs its long-term goals, a socialist society, as represented by the sign Capricorn. A new agenda updates these ideals.
The Chinese government have just released an ‘Outline for the Implementation of the Morality Construction of Citizens in the New Era’.
In my observations, once a new major cycle is triggered, in a person’s or a chart for a nation, there is an event that is experienced to highlight the new direction in the new cycle, but as Mercury is also retrograde in the chart it also means this new agenda harps back to a previous one that was set forth in 2001.
The new agenda is a long list of requirements for the ‘development of material and spiritual civilization, and the overall improvement of people’s material and spiritual living standards’, while acknowledging that this will be a ‘long-term, urgent, arduous and complicated task’.
This reflects Mercury’s rulership of the 6th house, making it arduous. The 6th house is all about struggle, while it’s rulership and placement in the 9th house highlights its lofty moral goals, and practical approach in the sign Virgo. They have made a long list as you will read!
Despite that fact that Mercury is strong in its own sign, its retrograde position complicates things, which is further confused by a tight conjunction with the ideals of the south node and Neptune; ideals which can sometimes border on fantasy.
Saturn and Pluto are about to enter Capricorn in 2020, putting further emphasis on China for the coming years, in some productive and destructive ways. This means it will likely break ties with other countries even more, as the Moon rules the 7th house of this chart and experiences the transit of Saturn and Pluto. Saturn will be here until 2023, while Pluto will remain here for the next two decades!
China’s promotion of its core values of socialism have always been apparent, of course, with both its ascendant and Moon placed in Capricorn, while Mercury, the planet which rules the 6th and 9th houses is placed in the 9th house. This creates a link between everyday work and tasks (6th) with morality (9th), as they build their society in a methodical manner (Virgo).
Here is the long list of requirements: