Planetary Cycles & Associated Star Signs (Indian Astrology)
A predictive system of ‘planetary cycles’ in Indian astrology shows how the decades, years, months, weeks, days, hours, and even minutes, are passing in your life. These cycles run in sequential order for everyone but begin at a specific point for you based on the position of the Moon when you were born. These cycles colour your perceptions of the world, reflecting hidden impulses and instinctual drives, as shown in the astrological Moon.
Although each cycle you experience is specific to you, based on the placement of the planets in your horoscope, there is a common thread everyone experiences due to the order of these cycles. Movies, books, and storytelling have universal appeal because of our experience of these cycles.
If you were born when the Moon was placed in Bharaṇī, Pūrvaphalgunī or Pūrvāṣāḍhā, for example, you would have begun your life in a Venus cycle, as Venus is associated with these signs. This is followed by a Sun, Moon, Mars, north node (Rāhu), Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, and south node (Ketu) cycle — in that order.
Each planet is associated with 3 different star signs. The sign in which the Moon was placed when you were born reflects general themes, as well as the themes of the subsequent signs. So, for example, if the Moon was placed in Bharaṇī when you were born, the first cycle would highlight themes of Bharaṇī and Venus, while the next cycle would highlight themes of the next sign, Kṛttikā and the Sun, the next would highlight Rohiṇī and the Moon cycle, and so on.
All planetary cycles and their associated star signs are given, starting with the south node (Ketu), placed at the beginning of sidereal Aries, the natural first sign of the zodiac. Look for the sign the Moon was placed when you were born, to see where you began and track your progress in the order of the signs. This can be done for up to 8 levels, from decades to mere minutes, but it is easier to follow the first 2 levels when calculating these for yourself. These are given below.
The first level lasts for many years, even decades, from the shortest which is 6 years (Sun), to the longest which is 20 years (Venus). The second level shows up to a year or, at most, 3 years. The first level relates to general circumstances and big lessons over many years, often operating in the background of your life which you may not always be fully aware of. The second level shows how you feel about these longer cycles, as well as the people you are meeting to teach you something along the way. The second level has a bigger impact on you, and how you feel, and relates to the Moon itself, the most important factor when considering how you feel your life is going.
The major cycles are divided into sub-cycles as follows:
South Node (Ketu) Major Cycle — 7 Years
1) Ketu/Ketu (4 months, 27 days)
2) Ketu/Venus (1 year, 2 months)
3) Ketu/Sun (4 months, 6 days)
4) Ketu/Moon (7 months)
5) Ketu/Mars (4 months, 27 days)
6) Ketu/ Rāhu (1 year, 18 days)
7) Ketu/Jupiter (11 months, 6 days)
8) Ketu/Saturn (1 year, 1 month, 9 days)
9) Ketu/Mercury (11 months, 27 days)
Venus Major Cycle — 20 Years
1) Venus/Venus (3 years, 4 months)
2) Venus/Sun (1 year)
3) Venus/Moon (1 year, 8 months)
4) Venus/Mars (1 year, 2 months)
5) Venus/Rāhu (3 years)
6) Venus/Jupiter (2 years, 8 months)
7) Venus/Saturn (3 years, 2 months)
8) Venus/Mercury (2 years, 10 months)
9) Venus/Ketu (1 year, 2 months)
Sun Cycle — 6 years
1) Sun/Sun (3 months, 18 days)
2) Sun/Moon (6 months)
3) Sun/Mars (4 months, 6 days)
4) Sun/Rāhu (10 months, 24 days)
5) Sun/Jupiter (9 months, 18 days)
6) Sun/Saturn (11 months, 12 days)
7) Sun/Mercury (10 months, 6 days)
8) Sun/Ketu (4 months, 6 days)
9) Sun/Venus (1 year)
Moon Cycle — 10 Years
1) Moon/Moon (10 months)
2) Moon/Mars (7 months)
3) Moon/Rāhu (1 year, 6 months)
4) Moon/Jupiter (1 year, 4 months)
5) Moon/Saturn (1 year, 7 months)
6) Moon/Mercury (1 year, 5 months)
7) Moon/Ketu (7 months)
8) Moon/Venus (1 year, 8 months)
9) Moon/Sun (6 months)
Mars Cycle — 7 Years
1) Mars/Mars (4 months, 27 days)
2) Mars/Rāhu (1 year, 18 days)
3) Mars/Jupiter (11 months, 6 days)
4) Mars/Saturn (1 year, 1 month, 9 days)
5) Mars/Mercury (11 months, 27 days)
6) Mars/Ketu (4 months, 27 days)
7) Mars/Venus (1 year, 2 months)
8) Mars/Sun (4 months, 6 days)
9) Mars/Moon (7 months)
North Node (Rahu) Cycle — 18 Years
1) Rāhu/Rāhu (2 years, 8 months, 12 days)
2) Rāhu/Jupiter (2 years, 4 months, 24 days)
3) Rāhu/Saturn (2 years, 10 months, 6 days)
4) Rāhu/Mercury (2 years, 6 months, 18 days)
5) Rāhu/Ketu (1 year, 18 days)
6) Rāhu/Venus (3 years)
7) Rāhu/Sun (10 months, 24 days)
8) Rāhu/Moon (1 year, 6 months)
9) Rāhu/Mars (1 years, 18 days)
Jupiter Cycle — 16 years
1) Jupiter/Jupiter (2 years, 1 month, 18 days)
2) Jupiter/Saturn (2 years, 6 months, 12 days)
3) Jupiter/Mercury (2 years, 3 months, 6 days)
4) Jupiter/Ketu (11 months, 6 days)
5) Jupiter/Venus (2 years, 8 months)
6) Jupiter/Sun (9 months, 18 days)
7) Jupiter/Moon (1 year, 4 months)
8) Jupiter/Mars (11 months, 6 days)
9) Jupiter/Rāhu (2 years, 4 months, 24 days)
Saturn Cycle — 19 Years
1) Saturn/Saturn (3 years, 3 days)
2) Saturn/Mercury (2 years, 8 months, 9 days)
3) Saturn/Ketu (1 year, 1 month, 9 days)
4) Saturn/Venus (3 years, 2 months)
5) Saturn/Sun (11 months, 12 days)
6) Saturn/Moon (1 year, 7 months)
8) Saturn/Rāhu (2 years, 10 months, 6 days)
9) Saturn/Jupiter (2 years, 6 months, 12 days)
Mercury Cycle — 17 Years
1) Mercury/Mercury (2 years, 4 months, 27 days)
2) Mercury/Ketu (11 months, 27 days)
3) Mercury/Venus (2 years, 10 months)
4) Mercury/Sun (10 months, 6 days)
5) Mercury/Moon (1 year, 5 months)
6) Mercury/Mars (11 months, 27 days)
7) Mercury/Rāhu (2 years, 6 months, 18 days)
8) Mercury/Jupiter (2 years, 3 months, 6 days)
9) Mercury/Saturn (2 years, 8 months, 9 days)
Download the Timeline Astrology app to discover where you’re at in the cycles here
To follow is a brief explanation of each of the planetary cycles and a list of their associated star signs. You will experience each in your own unique way, although general themes can be seen for each. Although you may experience a Venus cycle, you experience it more so in relation to the star sign that is activated, as well as the position of Venus in your birth chart. So, if the Moon were placed in Aśvinī when you were born, you will initially experience the south node (Ketu) cycle, followed by Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, the north node (Rāhu), Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury. The initial cycle of Venus would activate the sign Bharaṇī and its themes more than those of Pūrvaphalgunī or Pūrvāṣāḍhā. The next cycle would be Kṛttikā, Rohiṇī, Mṛgaśiras and so on.
Each cycle can be seen in relation to its sub-cycle, which modifies it greatly. So, one person’s sub-cycle of Venus may be within a major cycle of the Sun, while another would be within a major cycle of Mars, i.e., Venus/Sun or Venus/Mars. The combination of the major and sub-cycles will express itself in a unique way for you, based on the positions of these planets in your birth chart.
South Node (Ketu)
Aśvinī, Maghā and Mūla
The south node of the Moon — in Sanskrit, Ketu — represents the centre around which everything is expanding and contracting, growing, and disintegrating around a central point of awareness. This cycle gives you a profound sense of who-you-really-are at your core. It represents your formless essence. The south node is a calculated point on the ecliptic, the southern eclipse point. Eclipses temporarily obscure the Sun or Moon, hence the tendency for this cycle to confuse and confound, while, at the same time, offering a unique perspective and insight.
Bharaṇī, Pūrvaphalgunī and Pūrvāṣāḍhā
Venus is all about the good things in life, including the basic needs of shelter, food, and sensual pleasures, as well as support from relationships. Venus represents beauty and art, an appreciation of these and a wish to be appreciated. The perfection of life is hidden in patterns within nature and our life experience which become more obvious in a Venus cycle. A Venus cycle brings with it many pleasures, but how you go about it is unique to you.
Kṛttikā, Uttaraphalgunī and Uttarāṣāḍhā
The strength of the Sun offers a natural sense of confidence and self-esteem. It represents to your Higher Self. This can be reached through a connection to a greater source of power than your individual self, resulting in a sense of Self that is unshakable. This is available to anyone, regardless of the position of the Sun in your horoscope. The route to finding it varies, of course.
Rohiṇī, Hasta and Śravaṇa
Once you connect with yourself, you develop a need to connect with others and nurture your relationships. You are supported in this process by having a community or family, or whatever brings comfort. The Moon is the archetypal mother and shows how and where you seek comfort, while comforting others becomes part of the process. If this process is disturbed in any way it can be a challenge to your mental and emotional well-being.
Mṛgaśīrṣā, Citrā and Dhaniṣṭhā
A Mars cycle is all about developing strength — and your ego — but may require some friction, either in your relationships or in competition. Mars represents your courage, your willingness to do what it takes to destroy your weaknesses. In a Mars cycle, you end up fighting some battle or other, whether external or internal. You are challenged to grow stronger, no matter the battle you choose.
North Node (Rāhu)
Ārdrā, Svātī and Śatabhiṣak
The north node of the Moon — in Sanskrit, Rāhu- is a thrill-seeking cycle. You have an insatiable appetite for something you feel you have not experienced before, so you will do anything to get it; often doing things you thought you were incapable of. This brings out your shadow side. Life can become like a beast that needs to be tamed. Rāhu is depicted in myth as a head of a serpent, which, when released, unleashes energy that must be controlled if you are to make the most of the potential buried deep within you.
Punarvasu, Viśākhā and Pūrvā Bhādrapadā
Jupiter cycles are a time for expansion and blessings. Study or travel, or both, are often on the agenda, expanding your life and worldview. Expansion can happen physically, whether getting married, having children, and/or putting on weight. It may be an internal expansion through study and higher knowledge. Jupiter represents righteousness and upholds natural laws and ways of living, which is reflected in having a family or joining a community.
Puṣya, Anurādhā and Uttara Bhādrapadā
Saturn represents a reality check and a need to knuckle down and work on something that is important to you. Saturn represents the part of you that has an eye on the bigger picture and can show more responsibilities in your life, through hard work. Saturn asks you to be present in your life, to work for work’s sake, regardless of whether the rewards are apparent from the outset.
Āśleṣā, Jyeṣṭhā and Revatī
Mercury’s cycles return you to a child-like innocence and curiosity. Mercury represents practical concerns such as work and business. These can bring many choices and distractions too, whereas the strength of Mercury is your ability to discriminate between fact and fiction. If there are too many choices, you may need some stillness to effectively decide on your next route.