Timeline Astrology: Planetary Cycles in Indian Astrology
Everything has a place and a purpose, you told us.
A viper must be true to his creed.
The fang needs sharpening, the lethal venom a victim,
Come my beloved, lie with me today and always.
No telling if poison and ambrosia are the same,
Unless you savour them both.— Unknown
We all experience transits in different ways, as well as there being a global phenomenon or collective experience. Although universally felt, transits trickle down into our individual experience in various ways and to varying degrees, as the celestial oceans flow into rivers, rivers flow into streams, and then filter into our life experience.
This can be seen by looking at transits in each person’s birth chart, but more importantly by looking at the ‘planetary cycles’ and sign progressions, i.e. the planets and signs activated in the birth chart. This article covers planetary cycles known as viṁśottarī, literally meaning ‘120’, used predominantly in Indian astrology, which divides the life into cycles over a 120-year lifespan.
While we couldn’t deny the impact of transits, as a global experience and use the transits to see mundane events (mundane meaning ‘worldly’), the focus on an individual’s life must also include these planetary cycles, to show the impact of any given transit.
Whatever is triggered by a transit in an individual’s chart was at one time a transit (we are born during certain transits), the imprint of which gets activated at a certain time, in a certain planetary cycle. The seed potential was there from the start.
Planetary cycles are more impactful than planets’ transits, although a transit of a planet that you are experiencing has a bigger impact. For example, if you are currently experiencing a Venus cycle, triggering what Venus represents in your birth chart, then Venus’ current transit is more important for you to follow. Once it transits a key area in your chart, it can show events promised in your chart from birth.
Other transits are important too, of course, but just not as much as your current planetary cycles and transit of these planets. We all experience all the planets on some level and to some degree when calculating up to 8 levels of cycles in a person’s chart, i.e. major cycles and 7 sub-cycles. Therefore, transits, when talked about generally, are relatable to everyone, on some level and to some degree.
There are 3 levels that have an impact over longer periods.
3 Major Levels of Planetary Cycles
The first level of any cycle is the level of the soul, which lasts for many years, even decades, showing lessons, overall experiences and circumstances over a longer period. The longest cycle is that of Venus, at 20 years, while the shortest is of the Sun, 6 years.
The second level shows the level of the mind and emotions, which may last from many months to up to 3 years. This represents how we’re feeling about where we find ourselves in our life experience and circumstances, the soul lessons we are currently experiencing, as well as the people we meet to help us learn these bigger life lessons.
The third level shows how we are reacting to all the above and relates to the planet Jupiter and the ascendant. The ascendant represents how we’re applying our intelligence to above influences. The third level shows our reactions based on our emotional nature and circumstance.
When all three are taken as a whole, more accurate assessments can be made for the individual. When we add the influence of the current transits to these cycles, overlaying them on a birth chart, this gives a fuller picture of what is going on at any given time for an individual.
The major cycle is seen as a constant hum in the background. Whether we are always tuned into its frequency is another matter. And another matter is, how these paths cooperate, or not. Does your soul want what your heart does?!
Sometimes, we are completely tuned into the cycle’s frequency, especially so when we first begin a great cycle or Mahādaśā. This is because the first sub-cycles within a major cycle is the same planet. So, for an individual beginning a Jupiter cycle, Jupiter is active on 8 levels! This is how astrological timing is fine-tuned with accurate birth times, as the 8 levels bring the longer cycles of decades down to years, months, weeks, days, and hours.
3 Major Levels of Experience
The first level of any cycle is at the level of the soul, which lasts for many years, even decades. This level shows bigger lessons, overall experiences and circumstances over a long period of time, experiencing which become deeply embedded in one’s being.
The second level shows the level of the mind and emotions, which may last from months to 3 years. This represents how we’re feeling about where we find ourselves in our life experience and circumstances, as well as the people we meet to help us learn these bigger life lessons.
The third level shows how we are reacting to all the above and relates to our intelligence. This level reflects how we are applying our intelligence to our actions based on the above influences, showing how we reaction to our current emotional nature and circumstance.
Together the transits and cycles of planets show our ever-changing and evolving life experience. This can be explained using the analogy of our horoscope as a boat on an ocean, an analogy my first astrology teacher Pearl Finn used to teach. The boat has the wind blowing its sails and the undercurrents taking it along. The boat is our horoscope. The winds are the transits of the planets that are either pushing against us or taking us even faster to where we are going. The sea and undercurrents is the planetary cycle we are experiencing which shows what is coming up from within us.
Ultimately, the sea will have its way with us, and may or may not be assisted by current transits.
When you have an awareness of these influences, you have an awareness of where you are on the vast ocean that is your life. This awareness brings a sense of ease with whatever is going on. If we know a period of time is going to be challenging, we know to batten down the hatches and ride it out with the tools at our disposal.
At the very least, knowing when a period is beginning and ending brings an enormous sense of peace, no matter what has to be faced. We can also take full advantage of the winds that are taking us out of the choppy waters and to calmer seas.
When all three levels are taken as a whole, more accurate assessments can be made for an individual’s personal experience of the transits of these planets, reflected in the dance between the current line-up and alignments in one’s birth chart. When we add the influence of the current transits to these planetary cycles, overlaying them on a birth chart, this gives a fuller picture of what is going on at any given time.
The major cycle and first level of experience for many years or decades is like a constant hum in the background. Whether we are always tuned into its frequency is another matter. These various cycles may cooperate with each other or not. Does your soul want what your heart and mind desires, and vice versa?
Sometimes, we are completely tuned into a planet’s frequency, on all levels of our being, especially so when we first begin a major cycle. This is because the first sub-cycles within a major cycle is that of the same planet. So, for someone beginning a major Jupiter cycle, Jupiter is active on all 8 levels, initially. This reduces to 7, then 6, 5, etc., until one is experiencing only the first level of Jupiter after a few years, bringing in other planetary cycles to combine with Jupiter’s results as they progress through the greater cycle. This is how astrological timing is fine-tuned with accurate birth times, as the 8 levels bring the great cycles of decades down to cycles of years, months, weeks, days, hours, and mere minutes.
Each planetary cycle in the birth chart shows how one is experiencing each cycle within a cycle, the patterns of our life experience.
Some planets get on better with others, while combinations or yogas of planets of all kinds, both easy and challenging, are activated in the chart in planetary cycles.
3 things to ask yourself in relation to planetary cycles you are currently experiencing:
1. What is promised in your birth chart, i.e. is there a configuration for a certain experience?
2. Is this configuration activated in your planetary cycles, linking the planets involved?
3. Are your current planetary cycles triggered by a transit of the same planets?
For example, someone with Venus placed in the 7th house of relationships from birth, doesn’t get into a relationship every time they enter a Venus cycle, although generally both Venus and the 7th house represent relationships. If that were the case, it would mean a new relationship every couple of years, as Venus transits the entire horoscope every two years or so. However, if they are within a Venus cycle for a longer period of time, say, for a few years, and Venus is also transiting a conductive relationship space during that time, either in the 7th or aspecting the 7th or lord of the 7th, then we can be more assured that if the person is not already in a relationship, they are likely to begin one. If Venus is also strongly placed in the 7th and the zodiac signs are in accordance with the experience through sign progressions, we can be sure of it.
How long that relationship would last is another topic and not under the scope of this article.
And while we all experience transits in our own unique way, there are also certain transits we all experience as a family, as a national and as a global community. We cannot separate our lived experience from others.
9 Cycles
Each planetary cycle can be broken down in many ways, to see the overall experience and to pinpoint certain specific time periods within longer cycles. Taking the 9 planets, we can further break these down into 3 sections, with 3 sub-cycles within a longer cycle (3 x3). This would not only show the general themes within the great cycle, but also the focus during the sub-cycle, triggering indications in the birth chart in different ways, based on the planets and their relationship to each other.
While all 3 will have an impact in a general way through a great cycle, each sub-division of 3 sub cycles combined will impact based on one of the 3 indications above.
This would depend on whether the planet in question is seen as a ‘malefic’ or ‘benefic’. The strength of the malefics (Sun, Saturn, Mars, nodes, Rahu and Ketu) are triggered first, followed by their rulership and lastly their influence by aspects, as well as influences on them by other planets.
The benefic planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter) first give the results of the areas of life they rule, then the results of their strengths, and finally, as with the malefics, their aspects and aspects on them.
3 things to consider for a planetary cycle:
1. The planet’s strength in your birth chart
2. The houses or places it rules in your birth chart
3. Planetary aspects or spheres of influence (see below)
Planetary Aspects
While it could be said that all planets aspect all other planets in some way or other, there are certain aspects which have a stronger impact. All planets aspect, and thus influence, the 7th house and sign from where they are positioned. This shows the desire of the planet, looking directly opposite.
There are also special planetary aspects given to the 3 ‘outer’ planets, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, as well as the north node of the Moon, Rāhu. These planetary aspects are triggered more so in a planetary cycle, as the desires of the planet are triggered.
These planetary aspects are triggered in a cycle of the planet. The following are the special planetary aspects:
Mars aspects the 4th and 8th
Jupiter aspects the 5th and 9th
Saturn aspects the 3rd and 10th
Rāhu aspects the 5th, 9th and 12th (counting anti-clockwise)
Generally, it is best to have stronger planets than weaker ones, for the area of life signified to flourish within a planetary cycle. Planets are preferable in their ‘root’ strength signs and range of degrees. Exalted planets are strong in some respect, while debilitated planets are weak; however, these indications are often cancelled by other indications in the chart and need to be qualified by an astrologer.
Using the example of Venus and the 7th house, if someone had a strongly placed Venus, in great dignity in their 7th house, this promotes getting into a relationship far more than a weakly placed Venus would. The weakly placed Venus may or may not get the person into a relationship. In fact, sometimes a debilitated Venus can get someone into a relationship far quicker than an exalted Venus. However, it may merely be a wish or a daydream for one, depending on other factors.
There are many more considerations involved which are not under the scope of this article, and some things interact with others in more intricate ways, but you can begin with simply looking at natal positions, their strengths, as well as cycles and transits.
9 Stars
Another way to see the general indications of planetary cycle is to break it down into 9 cycles. These 9 cycles repeat themselves as sub-cycles throughout our lives, but we only experience these in major cycles once — unless we live to over 120 years!
Here is a list of the 9 cycles in Sanskrit and a word I associate with each:
1. Janma: Start
2. Sampat: Grow
3. Vipata: Pause
4. Kṣema: Secure
5. Pratyarī: Work
6. Sādhaka: Attain
7. Vadha: Change
8. Mitra: Befriend
9. Atimitra: Connect
1. Janma
The 1st cycle, i.e. the one you were born with, shows the overall beginning in your life and is an important planet for your life experience, impacting how you experience life in a profound way. Every time you enter this planetary cycle within sub-cycles it will show a new beginning, a reset in your life. Similar themes will be apparent which can either be easy or challenging, depending on your beginning, of course.
2. Sampat
The 2nd cycle represents a period of growth, as one translation of the word sampat means ‘to acquire’. It generally represents a period of wealth and prosperity, some form of blessing.
3. Vipata
The 3rd cycle requires patience in achieving an objective, as it can show obstacles one has to overcome. But these same obstacles build strength and endurance, as we learn patience and forbearance. The obstacle is the way forward.
4. Kṣema
The 4th cycle is a more relaxed affair, after the challenges of the previous. The word kṣema means safety, tranquillity, peace, rest, security, offering a sense of ease and comfort in some form or other.
5. Pratyarī
The 5th cycle can challenge us with what seems to be a ‘well-matched opponent’, as the word is sometimes translated to mean. The word pratyarī can also mean an ‘equally powerful enemy’, which teaches us to work harder, as and when we are challenged to ‘up our game’.
6. Sādhaka
The 6th cycle demonstrates the challenges of the previous cycle were not in vain. After working hard on something, we become an expert. Sādhaka means ‘skill’ or ‘accomplishment’, and a sādhaka is someone who attains a siddhi, meaning ‘power’.
7. Vadha
The 7th cycle challenges us to change direction once we have attained a skill, so usually we are up for the challenge at this stage. Vadha means a ‘deadly weapon’, and the word vajravadha from which it is derived can mean ‘death by thunderbolt’. This is Indra’s weapon of choice, the chief of the gods who has the task of changing our life, destroying something, or changing something into something else.
8. Mitra
The 8th cycle brings us into contact we friends and supporters who help us on our path. Mitra means ‘friend’ and this brings back a sense of support after the previous period of change. This period is a time of contractual agreements, as Mitra is the god of friendships and agreements.
9. Atimitra
The 9th and final cycle, before we begin at the beginning once again, shows an even greater sense of friendship and agreement. Mitra means a ‘friend’, while Atimitra can mean a ‘great friend’, reflected in a divine bond(s), a deeper love and connection.
Timeline Astrology App
You can calculate your cycles by downloading the App here. Once you input your birth details, this will calculate your major and first level sub-cycles from birth and up to the present, as well as future cycles yet to be experienced.
The following list includes the major and sub-cycles and their duration:
Ketu Major Cycle — 7 Years
1) Ketu/Ketu (4 months, 27 days)
2) Ketu/Venus (1 year, 2 months)
3) Ketu/Sun (4 months, 6 days)
4) Ketu/Moon (7 months)
5) Ketu/Mars (4 months, 27 days)
6) Ketu/Rāhu (1 year, 18 days)
7) Ketu/Jupiter (11 months, 6 days)
8) Ketu/Saturn (1 year, 1 month, 9 days)
9) Ketu/Mercury (11 months, 27 days)
Venus Major Cycle — 20 Years
1) Venus/Venus (3 years, 4 months)
2) Venus/Sun (1 year)
3) Venus/Moon (1 year, 8 months)
4) Venus/Mars (1 year, 2 months)
5) Venus/Rāhu (3 years)
6) Venus/Jupiter (2 years, 8 months)
7) Venus/Saturn (3 years, 2 months)
8) Venus/Mercury (2 years, 10 months)
9) Venus/Ketu (1 year, 2 months)
Sun Major Cycle — 6 years
1) Sun/Sun (3 months, 18 days)
2) Sun/Moon (6 months)
3) Sun/Mars (4 months, 6 days)
4) Sun/Rāhu (10 months, 24 days)
5) Sun/Jupiter (9 months, 18 days)
6) Sun/Saturn (11months, 12 days)
7) Sun/Mercury (10 months, 6 days)
8) Sun/Ketu (4 months, 6 days)
9) Sun/Venus (1 year)
Moon Major Cycle — 10 Years
1) Moon/Moon (10 months)
2) Moon/Mars (7 months)
3) Moon/Rāhu (1year, 6 months)
4) Moon/Jupiter (1 year, 4 months)
5) Moon/Saturn (1 year, 7 months)
6) Moon/Mercury (1 year, 5 months)
7) Moon/Ketu (7 months)
8) Moon/Venus (1year, 8 months)
9) Moon/Sun (6 months)
Mars Major Cycle — 7 Years
1) Mars/Mars (4 months, 27days)
2) Mars/Rāhu (1 year, 18 days)
3) Mars/Jupiter (11 months, 6 days)
4) Mars/Saturn (1year, 1 month, 9 days)
5) Mars/Mercury (11 months, 27 days)
6) Mars/Ketu (4 months, 27 days)
7) Mars/Venus (1 year, 2 months)
8) Mars/Sun (4 months, 6 days)
9) Mars/Moon (7 months)
Rahu Major Cycle — 18 Years
1) Rāhu/Rāhu (2 years, 8 months, 12 days)
2) Rāhu/Jupiter (2 years, 4 months, 24 days)
3) Rāhu/Saturn (2 years, 10 months, 6 days)
4) Rāhu/Mercury (2 years, 6 months,18 days)
5) Rāhu/Ketu (1 year, 18 days)
6) Rāhu/Venus (3 years)
7) Rāhu/Sun (10 months, 24 days)
8) Rāhu/Moon (1year, 6 months)
9) Rāhu/Mars (1 years, 18 days)
Jupiter Major Cycle — 16 years
1) Jupiter/Jupiter (2 years, 1 month, 18 days)
2) Jupiter/Saturn (2 years, 6 months, 12 days)
3) Jupiter/Mercury (2 years, 3 months, 6 days)
4) Jupiter/Ketu (11 months, 6 days)
5) Jupiter/Venus (2 years, 8 months)
6) Jupiter/Sun (9 months, 18 days)
7) Jupiter/Moon (1 year, 4 months)
8) Jupiter/Mars (11 months, 6 days)
9) Jupiter/Rāhu (2 years, 4 months, 24 days)
Saturn Major Cycle — 19 Years
1) Saturn/Saturn (3 years, 3 days)
2) Saturn/Mercury (2 years, 8 months, 9 days)
3) Saturn/Ketu (1 year, 1 month, 9 days)
4) Saturn/Venus (3 years, 2 months)
5) Saturn/Sun (11 months, 12 days)
6) Saturn/Moon (1year, 7 months)
8) Saturn/Rāhu (2 years, 10 months, 6 days)
9) Saturn/Jupiter (2 years, 6 months, 12 days)
Mercury Major Cycle — 17 Years
1) Mercury/Mercury (2 years, 4 months, 27 days)
2) Mercury/Ketu (11 months, 27 days)
3) Mercury/Venus (2 years, 10 months:
4) Mercury/Sun (10 months, 6 days)
5) Mercury/Moon (1 year, 5 months)
6) Mercury/Mars (11 months, 27 days)
7) Mercury/Rāhu (2 years, 6 months, 18 days)
8) Mercury/Jupiter (2 years, 3 months, 6 days)
9) Mercury/Saturn (2 years, 8 months, 9 days)
Discover your own timeline by booking an astrology reading here