The Astrology of Brexit Part 2

Gary O'Toole
8 min readSep 5, 2019


Will Brexit finally make it over the finish line? And what impact will it have?

Image by Guardian Design

The initial date proposed for Brexit was March 29, 2019. Jupiter had just stationed retrograde at 0 degrees of sidereal Sagittarius back then, hovering on the brink of something new, subsequently returning to the drawing board as Jupiter re-entered Scorpio in April 2019.

Sagittarius naturally follows Scorpio in zodiacal order, just as laws and policies are put in place to keep order, offering some sense of congruence after dealing with our fears. This is usually the case, at any rate. However, any sense of order has been severely hampered due to the transit of Pluto, Saturn and the south node (Ketu) in Sagittarius, Jupiter’s sign, thus, dampening the mood. This has especially been the case with Saturn and the south node conjoining from May to October 2019. In October, they start to break up, and this points to things breaking up, in one sense, i.e. Brexit, as the hesitancy and fear of this powerful conjunction starts to loosen its grip and we get on with what needs to be done.

Once the south node separates from Saturn in October, I get a sense that, although the pressure is lifted from this conjunction, there will be a reckoning due to other, even more pressing conjunctions to come. These include the upcoming Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January 2020, as well as Jupiter’s conjunction with the south node, Pluto and finally Saturn in 2020.

Saturn represents structures which are necessary to keep life in order, but these same structures can sometimes feel burdensome and oppressive. Government structures, keep a sense of order and continuity but can sometime repress those they are keeping in order. Saturn’s conjunction with the south node has led to a more fear. This has played out in terms of feeling the weight in relation to laws and ethics (Sagittarius), and the disintegration of structures (Capricorn) and displacement of much of humanity (Aquarius) on the planet. Neptune’s transit in Aquarius alongside Saturn’s influence has created a confused situation that demands balancing fact with fiction.

While Jupiter had just stationed retrograde for the previous proposed Brexit date, the 31 October proposed date sees Jupiter return to the same section between Scorpio and Sagittarius. This section of the zodiac feels like a no-man’s land and full of uncertainty. At the time of writing (September 2019), Jupiter is currently at 21 degrees of sidereal Scorpio, which is a weak section of the sign — the Capricorn division. Jupiter’s current weakness is apparent in a lack of coherence and unity.

Jupiter re-enters Sagittarius on November 4 and continues to move through Sagittarius at great speed for the following few months, until March 2020. This means laws and policies will be quickly put in place on the back of ones that have been removed thanks to the other planets’ transit through Sagittarius.

Jupiter’s conjunctions with the south node (January 2020), Pluto (March to November 2020) and Saturn (December 2020) guarantee plenty of redrafting of new policies over the coming months and years.

South Indian Chart for Proposed Brexit Date on October 31. Chitrapaksha Ayanamsha

The Planetary Line-up for Brexit — Part 2
Jupiter is at a loose end between signs during the Brexit date (see chart). The Moon will have just moved into the first section of Sagittarius, where Jupiter had previously stationed, joining Pluto, Saturn and the south node placed therein. The lunar division at the beginning of Sagittarius is called Mula, which means ‘root’ and is ruled by the goddess of destruction, Niritti. This is a clear indication of a destruction of something, specifically laws and policies, and any kind of order. It seems there is more chaos at this point. This could either mean chaos as a result of Brexit itself, but it may just as easily show the breaking of a previously voted for referendum by the people of the UK.

It’s certainly not clear what will happen, except that it will create a lot of chaos.

The other part of this story is Mercury’s retrograde transit, which begins on the very day of the second proposed Brexit date of October 31.

The only certainty is that there is no certainty Brexit will even occur on October 31, and if it does, there will be a lot of uncertainty around it.

Added to the chaos is the Mars/Saturn ‘stand-off’ which builds in intensity leading up to the proposed Halloween Brexit, showing further setbacks and frustrations leading up to this date. Mars sends 100% aspect to the 4th sign from where it transits, while Saturn sends a 100% aspect to the 10th sign from where it transits. The result is a stand-off between the planet of order, structure and the establishment, and the planet of competition and fighting.

Each time Mars and Saturn aspect each other in this way, there are more tensions around the world. With the signs of Virgo and Sagittarius involved, we are likely to see frustrations mount around the details of Brexit (Mars in Virgo) and its impact on the laws of the land and any sense of order (Saturn in Sagittarius).

Boris Johnson’s South Indian Birth Chart. Chitrapaksha Ayanamsha

Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson is currently threatening to release havoc with his plans to suspend parliament at the time of writing (August 2019). Boris Johnson has Virgo rising in his chart (pictured), which means he is an embodiment of Mercury, while Mars transits his rising sign in the lead up to Brexit, fueling an aggressive stance that is held back by the establishment (Saturn).

Mercury, his ruling planet, which also rules his 10th house of career, stations on October 31, in his 3rd house of communication, which will have just gone through a planetary war (transiting at the same degree) with Venus, the planet which rules his speech and principles. Many commentators refer to his lack of principles, of course and you may notice in his chart that Venus is combust, and thus, severely hampered.

He will likely have to eat his words as Mercury begins to retrograde from his 3rd house back into his 2nd house in November and not an easy time for him, either personally or professionally. This points to delays in Brexit, yet again, and throws Brexit plans into doubt.

Johnson’s prominent 10th house of career is particularly strong right now, which is why is in power in the first place. However, this is tentative. He is currently experiencing a Gemini cycle using sign progressions in his birth chart (pictured). Gemini has been particularly activated since 2013, since his second term as Mayor of London, while the previous Taurus cycle was equally strong. The lords of these signs exchange places in his chart and is a strong combination.

If we look back on his career we will see Mercury playing a prominent role in his successes. He began a Virgo cycle (Mercury also rules Virgo) from 1997 to 2001, during which time he had a successful editorial career, before becoming an MP in 2001. In 2001, Capricorn was activated in his chart, but more so Mercury, from 2001 to 2004, because of its aspect to Capricorn. The sign Capricorn itself was more prominent from 2005 to 2008, and as this is his 5th house of creativity he was made shadow arts minister and higher education minister. He was popular among students during this period. His arudha lagna (AL) is placed in Capricorn which reflects how others perceive him. In September 2006, his image was used in pro-Conservative “Boris needs you” and “I Love Boris” material during university freshers’ week.

Boris Johnson’s Astrology Timelines

Then, from 2008 to 2012, the planet Saturn became more prominent in his chart, as ruler of Capricorn, and he successfully ran for Mayor of London and completed his first term as mayor. Mercury plays a role in this, as a sub-cycle of Mercury began in 2008. Of course, Saturn being Saturn, and because it is placed in his 6th house of conflict, he had many disputes and less popularity during this period, despite being mayor of London. He was certainly a controversial mayor, as Saturn impacting his reputation (AL) and work ethics (Saturn in 6th house) would have challenged norms.

He began a second term in 2012, during his Taurus cycle, which again saw a sub-cycle of Gemini give him another victory, eventually stepping down as mayor in May of 2016 (Gemini/Leo cycle). Leo is his 12th house of loss, while a Virgo sub-cycle from 2017, would have activated more challenging aspects in his chart. These are again very prominent in 2019/2020. It was in the sub-cycle of Leo, which reflects his hidden motives and need for power. The Sun rules his hidden 12th house and is placed in the prominent 10th house, conjunct the north node. He is likened to Trump in some ways and they both have a Sun — North Node (Rahu) conjunction in their prominent 10th houses.

His current cycle, and one he will experience during the proposed Brexit date, is Gemini/Scorpio. Scorpio’s ruler, Mars has been activated since July of this year (2019). This volatile and confrontational influence continues until after Brexit, into November. Although a challenging planet for him, and full of conflict, Mars is placed with Mercury, and as we have seen anytime Mercury is involved, he tends to win out. And he is in a major cycle of Gemini, ruled by Mercury, until 2024. Mercury is why he made it into power in the first place. Mars’ impact is less advantageous, however, pointing to further conflicts and obstacles leading up to Brexit.

Soon after the proposed Brexit date, he begins a sub-cycle of Sagittarius, where the uncertain south node (Ketu) is placed, bringing losses. The eclipse in December 2019 is placed almost exactly on his natal south eclipse degree, while Jupiter is activated in his 8th house of obstacles and change. Added to that, he is currently in a ‘planetary cycle’ of the south node itself, until January 2020, which he is experiencing within a longer cycle of Mercury (2016–2033). Once again Mercury shows him coming into power and position; however, the south node’s concurrent influence is full of uncertainty. The south node is seen as headless in Vedic myth, referring to impulsiveness and reactivity, unlike the powers of discrimination possible with Mercury. This is like having a Mercury-South Node conjunction in one’s chart, and points to a certain level of recklessness.

When all is considered, it is likely he will lose out in one way or another, despite Mercury’s strength; either losing his position as prime minister or in his plans to see Brexit through on October 31.



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